Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Repair the Sacred Hearts So Much Mocked, Offended, Humiliated
Message of the Angel Lechitiel given to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on July 25, 2023

Follow the Message of Fatima, which continues in Brindisi. Pray the Rosary every day. The Days of Darkness are coming. Persecution of the false heretical Church comes. The Unholy One comes, the man of perdition. Pray, pray. Follow the Way of Fatima that continues in Brindisi. Here Heaven is preparing you for the Warning and the Three Days of Darkness.
Fast, make amends, repair. Repair the Sacred Hearts so much mocked, offended, humiliated. Pray much. Quickly turn away from the false church, from the satanic imposture. Take spiritual communion often, make altars at home, change your life. Be all blessed and preserved from the Evil One. Invoke the Blood of Jesus, live humbly.
Follow the Fatima Call that continues in Brindisi, in these last days of confusion and misfortune. God will help you, God will bless you. Pray to Me as the Angel of Consolation, I save many from attempting suicide. Do not despair, you have Mary, the Heavenly Court, the Faith.
Pray the Angelic Crown*, invoke Me, and demons will flee. Enter the Ark of Salvation: Mary Most Holy. Consecrate yourselves to Mary Coredemptrix. Glory, honor, power to Jesus, True God and True Christ.
Say often: MARANATHA, Come Lord Jesus.
See also...
Chaplet of the 9 Angelic Choirs*